Financial Details
St Paul’s does not have any employees who have a gross annual salary of over £100,000.
To find out how school compares to other schools financially please use THIS LINK
St Paul’s CE Primary School, Crompton Street
School Fund – Mission Statement
The School maintains a fund to manage the provision of and development of the ‘Every Child Matters Agenda’ providing additional items and activities for the benefit of the School’s pupils. The fund exists to serve the children, Parents and people of St Paul’s and through them the wider community.
The fund is supported by donations, fund raising activities and parental contributions. In agreement with the Governors, the fund can be used to fund/manage the following items and activities:
School Photos
Sale and purchase of uniforms
Purchasing of equipment and books
Paying for specialist activities to enhance curriculum provision
Charitable activities
Support educational visits
Whilst this list is not exclusive, any items or activities not included should be purely for the benefit of the pupils and approved by the Headteacher on their individual merit.
The fund will not be used for the benefit of the staff but may be used to purchase gifts for volunteers to a maximum value of £25.