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Our Class Newsletters

Year 3

Here you will find useful information and any important news regarding Year 3.


On the left-hand side, you will find downloadable copies of the class newsletters; these outline the topics and knowledge that your children will be exploring and learning in each half-term.


On the right-hand side, you will find the English and Mathematics' Long-Term Plans, and also the Knowledge Organisers for the Foundation Subjects. These documents set out the key knowledge and specific vocabulary that your children will be learning in each of the subjects, each term. These correlate with the Long-Term Plans, that can be found under the 'Curriculum' page. These documents provide a full overview of how the new learning fits into our whole school curriculum, building upon prior knowledge and also supporting future learning.


We recognise reading as the key to unlocking learning and future success and so you will find, below, the recommended reads, for your children, throughout this year.


Click here for 50 Recommended Reads for Year 3


Blurbs from the Recommended Reading List for Year 3


Gods of the Ancient World: A Kids' Guide to Ancient Mythologies

Uncover the stories of gods and goddesses from around the world, in this dynamic anthology of ancient myths.

Discover 23 captivating stories of gods and goddesses from civilisations around the world in this book that introduces children to ancient cultures with colourful illustrations and incredible storytelling. Young readers will delight in myths that explain the beginning of the world, the way gods helped humans, the divine's power over weather and other natural phenomena, and much more.

Gods of the Ancient World is a perfect global introduction to the most fascinating stories about gods and goddesses from ancient history.


Icarus was Ridiculous by Pamela Butchart

Izzy LOVES all the stories the Ancient Greeks told! She can't wait to tell her friends about Icarus, who was a TOTAL NUMPTY, and the Trojan Horse, which ended a war and wasn't even REAL! So pull up a plinth and enjoy all the DRAMA of the original Greek myths, as told by Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham, in collaboration with the British Museum. Now with even more SANDALS!


A Visitor's Guide to Ancient Greece

This humorous guide to Ancient Greece is crammed with information and advice for time-tourists. Each illustrated page is full of things to see and do, and there’s also quotations from notable Greeks, a glossary of new words, a timeline and more. A book for libraries and schools, with contents and index plus internet links to recommended websites.






Long-Term Plans






Knowledge Organisers


Autumn Term 1


Autumn Term 2


Spring Term 1


Spring Term 2


Summer Term 1


Summer Term 2



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 St. Paul's CE Primary School


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St. Paul's CE Primary School, Crompton Street, Walkden, Manchester, M28 3HP    t: 0161 790 7468

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